Agri-Food Cluster Transformation Funding Program (Singapore)

Deadline Date: December 31, 2025

The Singapore Food Agency is seeking applications for its Agri-Food Cluster Transformation (ACT) Fund to help the local farmers be more productive, resilient to climate change, and efficient in using resources.


  • The ACT Fund aims to transform the agri-food sector into one that is highly productive, climate-resilient and resource-efficient by supporting:
    • Capability Upgrading: For example, you can get funding for farming equipment and systems for small-scale pilot trials to raise productivity, improve resource efficiency, or reduce pollution and waste. You can apply for funding for the following under Capability Upgrading for:
      • Farming Equipment and Small-Scale Trials: Funding can be used for farming equipment and systems on SFA’s pre-qualified list to conduct small-scale pilot trials to raise productivity, resource efficiency, and reduce pollution and waste.
      • Expenses for SG C&G AND SG GAP Certification: Funding can be used to defray the costs related to obtaining Singapore Clean & Green Urban Farms (SG C&G) certification or Singapore Good Agricultural Practices (SG GAP), such as the purchase of equipment and certification-related fees.
      • Energy Efficiency Audit: Energy audits should be conducted by NEA- accredited Energy Services Companies (ESCOs). Below is a non- exhaustive list of ESCOs in alphabetical order that provide energy efficiency audit services to farms:
        • CBM Solutions Pte Ltd
        • Comfort Management Pte Ltd
        • C&W Services (S) Pte Ltd
        • Data-Talk Energy Consultants Pte Ltd
        • EES Consultants Pte Ltd
        • ENGIE South East Asia
        • Siemens Pte Ltd
        • 6-Sigma Automation Pte Ltd
    • Technology Upscaling: For example, you can get funding to set up a large commercial-scale high-tech farm that is highly productive and resource- efficient.

Funding Information

  • Capability Upgrading
    • Expenses for SG C&G AND SG GAP Certification: The funding is a one-off sum of $15,000 for qualifying consultancy fees ($10,000) and certification- related fees ($5,000).
    • Energy Efficiency Audit: You can also apply for funding of up to $50,000 for energy efficiency audits under Capability Upgrading.
  • Technology Upscaling: You can apply for up to $6 million for farming technology or systems and for farm-related infrastructure costs.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The funding is only available to local farms as the ACT Fund is one of the ways SFA encourages the local farms to adopt technology and build up their capabilities.
  • To apply for funding, you must have a farm in Singapore with a valid farm licence issued by SFA.
  • New farms that have not obtained their licences must have an in-principle approval from SFA to operate a farm at the premises stated in their farm licence application.
  • Capability Upgrading
    • Applicant must be a farm licensee of a Singapore-based farm with valid license issued by SFA. For new farms, applicant must have obtained SFA’s approval for the proposed farming activity at the farm site.
    • Applicant must have a secured farm site for implementation of the proposed farming system.
    • For existing farms, applicant’s farm shall be free of unauthorized or illegal activities for the past 1 year from time of application.
  • Technology Upscaling
    • Cash Advancement is awarded to help companies defray the upfront costs of a project. All ACT Fund projects under the ‘Innovation & Test-bedding’ and ‘Technology Upscaling’ components may be eligible for up to 30% cash advancement.

For more information, visit Singapore Food Agency.