Structurist Creative Research Fellowship 2024

Deadline Date: August 19, 2024

 Donor Name: University of Saskatchewan

 Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

The Structurist Creative Research Fellowship (SCRF) is available to individuals pursuing research and creative work engaged in the thematics and intersections brought forward in The Structurist.

The SCRF was established to carry forward the critical intentions of The Structurist: an international, interdisciplinary journal founded in 1960 that addresses art, architecture, ecology, culture, and communication.

The urgency of these connections and the potential of investigation therein is heightened in this historical moment of climate death, migrant crises, and divisive global policies.

Projects must culminate in a form that will be available to the public, such as:

  • Publication
  • Exhibition
  • Film or other media
  • Actions
  • Performance

Funding Information

  • Proposed projects will have a budget up to 20,000 CAD. Costs associated with travel and accommodations for Saskatoon-based components are separate from that allocation.
  • Fellows will have full access to University of Saskatchewan archives pertaining to The Structurist, as well as the University of Saskatchewan Art Collection.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The SCRF is open to both Canadian and International applicants at any stage in their career.

Selection Criteria

  • Proposed projects will be adjudicated on the following three criteria, with the weightings of each criterion shown in brackets:
    • Relationship to The Structurist (40%)
      • A minimum of two of the following must be addressed with great strength in the proposal and specifically identified as such.
        • the processes of creation in art, architecture and nature
        • ideas in architecture and the arts, their histories and their relations to each other as well as to science, technology and nature
        • abstract constructive art, its origins and the future development of media incorporating structure and colour in space
        • art and ecology—how art and architecture can participate in preserving and protecting the threatened ecosphere
    • Overall Excellence of Proposal (30%)
      • Creativity and originality
      • Letter of support and curriculum vitae/portfolio
      • Ability to complete the project within an appropriate budget
    • Benefit of Outcome (30%)
      • Strength of public component
      • Interdisciplinary value
      • Enhances the reputation of the University of Saskatchewan, specifically the College of Arts & Science

For more information, visit University of Saskatchewan.

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