Call for Residencies: “Life in France”

Deadline Date: September 30, 2024

Donor Name: Maison Suger

Grant Size: Not Available

The Maison Suger is offering a one-month residency to a researcher, of any nationality, specialised in social history or historical anthropology, on the theme of ‘Life in France’ in the Modern era.

As part of its mission as an international scientific accommodation centre, the Maison Suger, in addition to its main objective of hosting foreign researchers, supports a wide range of scientific activities: initiatives by residents, research projects from incubation to completion, scientific meetings with an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional dimension, international workshops or conference, study days or recurring seminars, in the humanities and social sciences or in collaboration with other sciences, other fields of knowledge or creativity (artistic, literary, etc.)

These activities provide residents with opportunities to exchange ideas and meet with research teams, or even to contribute to them and encourage collaboration. In this way, the Maison Suger helps to promote and disseminate scientific production with a strong interdisciplinary focus and experimental value. It provides logistical support for the creation of research communities

Cost Covered

  • The resident will be accommodated at no cost at La Maison Suger. 
  • The funding does not cover transport costs or per diems, but only the cost for accommodation, for one person, at La Maison Suger. However, the FMSH may provide additional support as part of its mobility programmes, if necessary.


  • This project benefits from private funding. It is due to start in spring 2025 and run until the end of 2026.

Eligible Projects

  • The research project must fulfil the following criteria:
    • Focus on the topic of ‘Life in France’ from a social history or historical anthropology perspective, with priority given to the Modern period.
    • The project must justify the need for a stay in Paris (i.e. consultation of archives and documentary resources, contact with colleagues and institutions in France, etc.).

Eligibility Criteria

  • The stay is open to:
    • all researchers, even those with no institutional affiliation. Non-tenured researchers holding a position at a university or higher education or research institution are eligible.
    • PhD student, post-doctoral or experienced researchers. However, priority will be given to junior researchers.
  • The research topic must prove the need for a stay in Paris (work in libraries or archives, contacts with French academic circles, etc.).

Selection Criteria

  • Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria basis:
    • The scientific quality of the project and the method developed
    • The relevance of the stay in Paris
    • The feasibility of the project during the short stay
  • Once the applications have been evaluated, they will be selected by a committee made up of scientific leaders from the FMSH and at least one specialist from a different institution.

For more information, visit FMSH.

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