Call for Applications: Climate Parent Fellowship

Deadline Date: September 06, 2024

 Donor Name: Our Kids Climate

 Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

The Our Kids Climate is excited to announce its Climate Parent Fellowship to support key organizers of parent-led, intergenerational or family-focused climate engagement work across the globe.

  • Our Kids Climate is specifically looking for Fellows who are working on one (or more) of the following:
    • Building strong groups and organizations that have the potential to create significant impact at the national, regional, or global level. Strong candidates in this category are likely working at the city, national, regional, or global level.
    • Influencing decision-makers locally, nationally, or internationally through bold and creative campaigns focused on clean air, challenging the power of the fossil fuel industry and their enablers, and/or a fair transition to renewable energy. Strong candidates for this category can be working from the local to the national level.
    • Inspiring wide-scale communications strategies and community engagement through which parents, grandparents, caregivers, aunts, uncles, and elders are inspired and motivated to push for bold climate solutions. Strong candidates in this category are likely working at the national, regional, or global level.

Funding Information

  • The grants will range from $15,000 – $20,000 USD. It is important to note that Fellows will be responsible for paying national taxation after they receive the funding and that for some Fellows receiving this stipend may affect, for example, benefits they are eligible for.
  • The stipend will be issued in four payments.
  • Selected Fellows will be awarded a stipend to help carry out their work for this 12-month Fellowship program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • To be eligible for the Climate Parent Fellowship, you MUST:
    • Be at least 18 years old.
    • Be someone who is at the leadership level within a non-profit project or group, organization, strategy, or idea.
    • Be fluent or proficient in English; including: submitting a complete application in English, respecting the application form instructions.
    • Submit an application sharing your personal contribution to shaping the work of your initiative (the Fellowship is NOT a grant application, and does not accept applications from organizations);
    • Provide clear and focused responses to all questions. Vague answers or excessive reliance on AI-generated content will result in disqualification from the selection process.
  • The Fellowship is open to applicants from all geographic regions.
  • To be eligible for the Climate Parent Fellowship, your idea, project, group, or organization MUST:
    • Be related to intergenerational and/or parent-led and/or family-focused climate work.
    • Intergenerational initiatives are climate projects/organizations/campaigns/ strategies that engage two or more generations (e.g. parents and children, elders and youth, etc).
    • Parent-led initiatives are climate projects/organizations/campaigns/strategies led by parents, caregivers, or grandparents – with the specific aim of engaging other parents, caregivers, or grandparents.
    • Family-focused initiatives are climate projects/organizations/campaigns/strategies that focus on engaging families as central to how they deliver their work. They could be led by any age group.
  • Please note: In some circumstances they will consider supporting a Fellow from an organization who have received a Fellowship in the past but no more than three individuals from the same project, group, organization, strategy, or idea can participate in the Climate Parent Fellowship within a span of five years.

For more information, visit Our Kids Climate.

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