Apply for Manuel Chaves Nogales International Journalism Award

Deadline Date: September 27, 2024

 Donor Name: Provincial Council of Seville

 Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Provincial Council of Seville and the Seville Press Association are pleased to announce the IV International Journalism Award ‘Manuel Chaves Nogales’ 2024, in four categories of press in paper or digital format, radio, television and photography.

This competition will reward those works that reflect everyday reality, the essence of journalism practiced by the Sevillian journalist and author.


  • The objective of this award is to recognize information of interest to citizens, the so-called street journalism, that of seeing, hearing and telling people what matters to people, in which quality, originality and ethical commitment prevail.

Prize Information

  • Each prize is worth 6,000 euros. Tax deductions provided for in tax legislation will be applied to these amounts. For the purposes of collecting the prizes, the authors of the winning works are taken as a reference, regardless of who submitted the application.

Eligibility Criteria

  • These awards are open to competition only for works produced by journalists and photojournalists of any nationality. 
  • Participants may only enter the awards under one category and one application. 
  • Participants may submit one original work, or a series of original works, on the same theme or subject.
  • No person who has been a member of the jury, whether with or without a vote, in a period of two calls may participate.
  • The works must be original and not have previously won any other competitions prior to the jury’s decision. If a work is awarded during the period between its submission and the award decision, the person who submitted it must immediately notify the Department of Culture and Citizenship of the Provincial Council of Seville.
  • In the categories of written press in paper or digital format, radio and television, authors who submit information, an article, chronicle or report, in original written format, video or audio that has been published, disseminated or broadcast from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 in Spanish or foreign media, written press in paper or digital format, radio or television, in the Spanish language may participate. 
  • In the photography category, authors who submit a photograph that has been published from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 in Spanish or foreign media, in paper format (daily or non-daily press/magazines) or digital format, may participate.
  • The works may be submitted directly by the author(s) themselves, by the media that published or broadcast them, or by third parties or institutions, provided that they are clearly identifiable and that they provide proof of the consent of the former.

For more information, visit Provincial Council of Seville.

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