RFPs: Optimizing Sensor Networks and Advanced Sensing Techniques

Deadline Date: August 29, 2024

 Donor Name: The Water Research Foundation (WRF)

 Grant Size: $100,000 to $500,000


The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is pleased to announce its request for proposals for project, Optimizing Sensor Networks and Advanced Sensing Techniques for enhanced Collection Systems Management.

In the context of One Water management, collection systems management includes the following components: (1) real‐time flow control for maximizing the system hydraulic performance; (2) in-time maintenance to prevent avoidable operational issues; and (3) optimized preventive maintenance, addition of new assets, and capital improvements; (4) water recycling and reuse needs; (5) epidemiology related studies.

Collection system operators need improved management tools to manage a widening range of flow conditions and to optimize flow capture and discharge, using strategically spaced sensors integrated with software to enable a smart system. They are interested in developing smarter collection systems with analytical tools to enhance the use of available system capacity and optimize planning of system improvements, including integration of predictive forecasting into the systems controls for proactive decision‐making.


  • To advance the optimization of the layout of sensor networks and sensing techniques in collection systems to enhance One Water management.
  • To improve data analytics, forecasting, modeling, and intelligent platform/dashboard environments to help with operations for a range of flow conditions and control schemes, preventive and in‐time maintenance of collection systems, and optimization of capital improvement programs.

Funding Information

  • The maximum funding available from WRF for this project is $150,000. The applicant must contribute additional resources equivalent to at least 33% of the project award. For example, if an applicant requests $100,000 from WRF, an additional $33,000 or more must be contributed by the applicant. Acceptable forms of applicant contribution include cost share, applicant inkind, or third-party in-kind that comply with 2 CFR Part 200.306 cost sharing or matching. The applicant may elect to contribute more than 33% to the project, but the maximum WRF funding available remains fixed at $150,000. Proposals that do not meet the minimum 33% of the project award will not be accepted.
  • The anticipated period of performance for this project is 21 months from the contract start date.

Expected Deliverables

  • A stand-alone literature review, including annotations for the list of publications and resources used.
  • A user-friendly utility-facing guidance document that includes decision tree logic and optimization methodologies, and a synthesis of utility case studies.
    • The guidance document should include a specific chapter on emerging technology development for sensor networks and advanced sensing techniques, applications supported by AI/ML.
    • The guidance document should include a specific chapter and supporting technical appendix that summarize the knowledge gaps, research needs, and preliminary project concepts for recommended future research projects, including recommended means to address those remaining gaps.
  • A utility‐focused invitation-only virtual workshop (with two sessions) for peer‐to‐peer information exchange and identification of future research needs, along with workshop planning and all supporting materials (e.g., agenda, presentations, meeting notes, and workshop summary).
  • Broader outreach:
    • Webcast and public outreach materials.
    • Conference presentation included at a WEF-sponsored conference.
    • Submitting one open access peer-reviewed journal paper is encouraged and can be completed beyond project end date, if the research team would like to submit.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Proposals will be accepted from both U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based entities, including educational institutions, research organizations, governmental agencies, and consultants or other for-profit entities. 

For more information, visit The Water Research Foundation.