Global Media Awards in Journalism for Child Rights

Deadline Date: August 31, 2024

Donor Name: Save the Children

Grant Size: Not Available

Save the Children has announced the launch of its inaugural Global Media Awards, a prestigious initiative dedicated to honouring exceptional journalism that champions the rights of children around the world.

Save the Children’s Global Media Awards 2024 welcomes professional journalists from around the world, inviting those whose storytelling has played a pivotal role in shedding a light on critical issues affecting children, while amplifying their voices and advocating for their rights. 


  • There will be two winners: One from a local or regional media outlet and one from an international outlet or wire.

Prize Information

  • Winners will receive a trophy and personalised certificate, and invited to attend a Save the Children international press trip or programme visit.
  • All shortlist finalists will receive a personalised certificate.

Entry Requirements

  • If you are planning to enter Save the Children’s Global Media Awards, please read the following rules before entering:
    • Save the Children’s Global Media Award (GMA) is open to all professional journalists aged 18 and over, except:
      • individuals (and their partners and family) involved in the judging of the competition; or (ii) employees of any Save the Children office or a Trustee of the Save the Children.
    • Entries must be original and published/broadcast in a national, regional or international media outlet between 31 July 2023 and 1 August 2024.
    • Entrants may participate in one or both categories, but will only be awarded in one category.
    • All submissions must clearly identify who the author is and which media outlet they represent.
    • All entries must be submitted in English or original text be accompanied with an English translation.
    • Participating journalists must submit a letter from the media outlet certifying that the piece was published in their outlet and certifying the date of publication of the piece.
    • All photographs entered must be the result of photographic process using a camera.
    • Submissions must be journalistically ethical, must not put children at risk, and must respect the dignity of children.
    • For those submitting photo essays/photojournalism pieces, you can submit a total of 10 photos as one package. The capture date must be after 30 July 2023 and evidenced on request.

Photograph Specifications

  • You must include a caption that is true and accurate, and include a description setting out what is happening in the photo, why the photo is meaningful, the behaviour observed; background story; exact location, the year the photo was taken.
  • Your entry must be uploaded in JPEG format.
  • The following digital adjustments are not allowed:
    • adding, moving or removing objects, people, plants etc.
    • composites
    • painting the foreground or painting out the background
    • AI generated photographs or images
    • Post processing methods that add new image content to the photograph via AI algorithms or by manual intervention

For more information, visit Save the Children.