Call for Entries: Climate Creatives Challenge on Heat Waves

Deadline Date: August 16, 2024

Donor Name: The Environmental Design Studio (TEDS)

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000,1000%20to%20%2410%2C000

Applications are now open for the Climate Creatives Challenge #05 to support new and novel approaches for communicating the impacts of climate change and the benefits of mitigation, adaptation and resilience.


  • The theme for Challenge #05 is Heat Waves.

Prize Information

  • 1st place: £1,000 
  • 2nd place: £750 
  • 3rd place: £500 
  • 20 x Commendations of £250


  • To encourage different types of creative communication, they will be accepting a broad range of types of entry submission, including;
    • Illustrations: This could be a sketch, painting, visualisation/render, infographic or other type of illustration.
    • Poetry & Prose: It could be a poem or experience you want to share.
    • Photos: You might have captured a picture that conveys the aim of the challenge. 
    • Audio: It may be a song or sound you’ve written/recorded.
    • Video: It could be a short film or animation.
    • Sculpture: It may be you’ve made a sculpture or model.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The challenge is open to people of all disciplines and creative backgrounds including;
    • Designers
    • Filmmakers 
    • Architects
    • Programmers
    • Engineers
    • Musicians
    • Writers
    • Sculptors
    • Illustrators
    • Storytellers
    • Ecologists
    • Biologists
    • Data Visualisers
    • Geographers
    • Social Scientists
    • Environmentalists
  • anyone with a creative concept that can help communicate this theme. You do not have to be a professional or in a team.
  • You can enter as a team if you so wish. There’s space in the submission process to input details of all collaborators. 

Judging Criteria

  • The judges are looking for entrants to;
    • Explore ways for communicating the topic that go beyond the traditional bounds/formats in which it’s typically represented.
    • Share ‘place’ based narratives that link to/showcase contextual stories and experiences.
    • Consider how your entry to the challenge could connect with people and/or organisations that aren’t necessarily aware or engaged with this topic.
    • Not just focus on the hazard, but also show actions that can be taken for adaptation and to change the consequences endured.

For more information, visit Climate Creatives Challenge.

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