ASE Book of the Year Award 2024

Deadline Date: July 05, 2024

 Donor Name: Association for Science Education

 Grant Size: Not Available

Submissions are now open for the ASE Book of the Year Award designed to celebrate science writing that educates and inspires science learners and educators of all ages.

They are seeking books:

  • with engaging content
  • that go that extra mile and support their vision of “science for all”
  • that can supplement a teacher’s understanding or be something that goes beyond the traditional science curriculum
  • that sparks a child’s interest away from the classroom

The publication submitted can be popular science or an educational resource. The review panel will be looking for books that are engaging, accessible and high quality. Each title will be evaluated by an expert, independent review panel drawn from their extensive pool of members.

The award aims to raise the profile of science publishing and showcase the best authors. 

Criteria for Title Submission

  • Please read terms below before entering Updated May 2024:
    • The science content must be accurate and up to date
    • The publication needs to be considered useful to teachers of science
    • Textbooks and exam board-specific material will not be accepted
    • It must have been published in the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
    • Books must be submitted written in the English language
    • 8 physical copies of the book must be provided to ASE for review 
    • Unfortunately NO eBooks can be accepted
    • Provide a link to where the book is available for purchase (these will be used in any promotion around BOTY)

Terms and conditions

  • The Panel’s decision on the eligibility of an entry is final.
  • Entries must be made by the publisher of the book
  • There is no restriction on the location of publishers. There are no restrictions on the nationality, age or any other characteristic of the author/s.
  • Publishers may submit up to 5 entries.
  • There is no charge to enter.
  • The author/s of the book will be the recipient of the award.
  • Books must be submitted by the publisher and any submission will be taken as agreement for the work to be considered.
  • The publishers must be able to give the ASE permission to promote the book as part of BOTY 2024. 
  • The review panel is appointed by the ASE. The judge’s decision is final.
  • In the event of a book being shortlisted for the Award, publishers agree that they will supply a book synopsis, author biography, photograph of the author and book cover (licensed for royalty-free use and distribution).
  • Publishers will be allowed to acknowledge the Award in subsequent reprints, editions and marketing of shortlisted and winning books.
  • No books submitted will be returned to the publishers.
  • The Award has no monetary value.

For more information, visit Association for Science Education.

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