LR Innovation Challenge

Deadline Date: July 31, 2024

Donor Name: Plug and Play Tech Center

 Grant Size: $100,000 to $500,000

Plug and Play Tech Center is reimagining a world where they decouple resource use from value creation, a world where energy is renewable and efficient, where waste is eliminated, and materials are endlessly circular. If you are an innovator who can help to make this future a reality this challenge is for you.

They believe global collaboration and collective creativity can solve the challenges of tomorrow and make sustainable modern luxury a reality. Through our Innovation Challenge, they are looking for ideas, concepts or innovations that can have a positive real-world impact as they drive towards a sustainability-rich modern luxury future. 

They will be looking for concepts that demonstrate:

  • Innovation and creativity
    • Uniqueness and creativity of the proposed solution.
  • Impact
    • Potential environmental, social and economic impact of the innovation.
  • Feasibility
    • Practicality of implementing the solution within JLR’s operations.
  • Scalability
    • Ability to scale to address broader sustainability challenges.

What’s in it for you?

Successful innovators can expect to Initiate PoCs, receive project funding and gain access to our R&D resources.

  • Funding
    • Potential funding or partnership opportunities to support the development and implementation of the innovation through proof of concept or pilot. A £90,000 prize pot will be awarded to successful innovations – divided across one winner and two runners up.
  • Collaboration Opportunities
    • Opportunity to collaborate with JLR experts and stakeholders to further develop and implement the winning solutions.
  • Exposure
    • Visibility and recognition within the automotive industry and sustainability communities, with the opportunity to showcase at our Pitch Day and EXPO 2025 events.

Who For?

JLR is seeking entrepreneurial innovators who are working towards a sustainable future within the mobility and automotive sector. This may include:

  • Start-ups
    • From pre-seed to scale ups provided there is a working prototype (e.g. alpha, MVP, demo, mock-up).
  • Academia and Universities
    • R&D and university teams working on automotive applicable solutions or research.
  • SMEs and Collaborators
    • Established SME’s that can contribute to JLR’s business units with existing or newly developed technologies and solutions.

For more information, visit Plug and Play Tech Center.